News From Around The Asylum

The Blame Game

Barry Barry bo arry banana fanna fo fairy, fee fi mo marry, Barry.

Every day is blame day in DC as Barack Obama finds someone or something to blame. Everything that happens that is bad is the fault of someone or something Barry chooses to assign blame to. George Bush is a favorite target of Obama who blames all that is bad on Bush even though the blame lies squarely on Obama’s shoulders.

[note]Obama always takes credit when good things happen. To hear him you would think he was the one who killed Bin Laden.[/note]

Today Barry is blaming the “bad apple” insurance companies for people having their insurance cancelled. The linked article points out that fact checkers have ruled that Obama lied (they use the term not being truthful) about being able to keep your insurance if you like it. Obama claims that the terrible insurance plans offered by bad apple insurance companies are the culprits because they were too cheap and dastardly to offer the generous plans Obamacare requires.

Never mind that people put those plans together, liked them and could afford them. No, his majesty B. Hussein Obama has decreed that they are not sufficient to meet your needs and they must go.

But it isn’t his fault the companies cancelled you. It is the insurance company’s fault for offering substandard plans. It matters not to Obama what you like or what you want because you are too stupid to know what is good for you.

Pelosi Says No Deals If Your Taxes Being Raised Are Not Part Of The Deal

Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that House Democrats will not support any agreements to end the sequester that do not include new revenue. New revenue is political speak for taxes. Nancy Pelosi refuses to address the sequester cuts unless she gets to raise taxes. To Nancy, who said the cupboard is bare, we do not have a spending problem, we have a “revenue” problem. In other words the budget mess is not because government spends too much it is because it taxes too little.

Pelosi is a typical progressive in that she never met a tax she didn’t hike. Couple this with her refusal to make actual cuts in spending and you have the recipe for a disaster and that disaster is currently sitting at 17 TRILLION dollars.

The reality is we have plenty of money coming in and would have tons more if the 90 million people who have dropped out of the workforce were employed. Think about that for a moment. If the people counted in the 7.2% unemployment number plus the 90 or so million who have quit looking for work were employed we would have over 100 million people paying taxes which would increase the amount of money taken in quite a bit.

I think I agree with Pelosi in that we need a tax to make things work. My idea is vastly different than hers because she undoubtedly wants to tax the rich even more. I think Republicans can tell Nancy they will agree to a tax increase and then submit a plan that taxes the 47% of workers who pay no federal taxes. When Pelosi cries about fair share and all the other BS she spouts she can be reminded that paying nothing is not a fair share.

Hell now is a great time for Republicans to push a flat tax that everyone pays. Make the tax rate a flat 11% for each and every wage earner. We could eliminate most of the IRS and filing taxes would be so easy. Eliminate ALL deductions and charge people 11% of all income. Then eliminate the Social Security and Medicare taxes (11% of all income will pay for those programs) and include a provision that the rate cannot be raised unless 75% of Congress votes to do so and it must be raised for all wage earners. In other words, any tax decrease or increase must apply to all wage earners. That should stop them from raising taxes so willingly.

The last thing to do is include a provision that any tax money over the amount required to run government must go to pay the debt until the debt is eliminated.

It would be nice to include a provision for a balanced budget but it is unlikely that would have teeth without an Amendment to the Constitution.

Imagine how Pelosi would react if she is promised a tax increase and then that increase includes everyone.

Put it back on her. If the tax increase does not include all wage earners then there is no deal. Or in Obama parlance, no negotiations.

I guess being a terrorist holding people hostage with a gun to their heads is OK as long as it is a Democrat doing it.

Speaking Of Revenue And The Budget

More proof that we do not have a “revenue” problem but a spending problem is revealed in the latest news. The budget deficit in the US is at a 5 year low. The government took in 2.77 TRILLION dollars last fiscal year but it spent 3.45 TRILLION. So even with increased “revenue” government failed to cut spending.

The progressives will tell you that all the cuts that can be made have been made but this is a blatant lie. These people use baseline budgeting and have a number of programs that are on autopilot.

“We’ve made a lot of fiscal progress in the U.S. because of the sequester cuts, tax rates going back to historic norms and the economy improving,” said Bricklin Dwyer, an economist at BNP Paribas in New York. “Politicians have, thus far, avoided the most difficult choices — addressing unsustainable spending on entitlements such as Medicare and Medicaid.”

There are programs that are duplicated all over the government. In some cases there are dozens of agencies that do the same things. There are billions of dollars in waste and unnecessary spending that could be cleaned up to take care of the shortfall.

Until we make the government smaller and get adults running the show things will only get worse.

While a report like this lets the sane among us know the problem is our government spends too much, the progressives will say it indicates we need to tax more.

I agree. See the above item…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Kick The Can Down The Road

The budget impasse seems to be nearing an end, at least for now, as an alleged bipartisan agreement has been reached to fund the government for a few months and to raise the debt limit for a few more. Democrats have no sense of fiscal responsibility and Republicans have no spine so we ended up with a deal that allows them to kick the can down the road for a few more months.

The world will sigh with relief as it proclaims that America averted a disaster by not defaulting. Of course this is a false narrative because there is no chance of default. We take in enough money each month to pay the interest on the debt and as long as we pay that we will not default. The reality is they would have to cut from other places and the most likely places, given Obama’s history of deliberately causing harm, would be Social Security and Veteran’s programs. Since the leeches on welfare are threatening to riot if their food stamps are cut off Obama can’t afford to cheese off the base.

The reality of the situation is the Democrats orchestrated the shutdown in order to position themselves to win the House back in 2014. They need to have control for Obama’s last two years so they can inflict maximum damage to the nation. They are pushing us closer and closer to another civil war and they need total control of government to do that.

Republicans, actually some conservatives, took a principled stance to get spending under control and to reign in or eliminate Obamacare. In 2010 Republicans took control of the House based on promises to do everything they possibly could to get rid of Obamacare because it is bad for the nation, was forced on us against a huge majority of people who disliked it then and dislike it now and because it is a violation of our freedom.

When push came to shove many of those Republicans who promised to do everything they could to get rid of Obamacare backed down. They violated the trust the American people placed in them when they promised to do so if we would only elect them. Most of them are spineless cowards who are only concerned with keeping their jobs.

Sure, they took a number of votes to get rid of it but when they had the chance to hold the debt ceiling over the heads of the liberal commies they folded. Liberals will now get what they want and will spend like there is no tomorrow. I predict that they will hit the ceiling again before the next deadline limit but even if we don’t reach that ceiling we will once again be in the same place as before.

Word is out that there is a provision in this newest bill to make it harder to use the debt ceiling to influence policy. It is reported that Congress will have to vote NOT to raise the ceiling and if they don’t it will automatically go up. Keep in mind that this is what they did with their pay raises.

They don’t vote NOT to get one and it is automatic. How many times have they voted not to get a pay raise?

We will now have no limit, no hammer, and no weapon to use to keep the government from out of control spending.

Those who think the world was going to end because we hit some arbitrary ceiling are going to be in for a rude awakening when this nation is no longer able to borrow money to pay the bills. Over 50% of the budget is for social welfare programs and we do not take in enough money to sustain the current rate of spending. The Democrats want to raise taxes to cover the spending and if they gain control of the House they will do just that.

Obama has been a failure. His regime has hastened the demise of this great nation. Plans for a post apocalyptic America need to be replaced with plans for a post Obama America.

If we even have a nation by then.

Soon patriots will need to have a say in all of this. Once government loses control, and it is nearly there now, patriots will step in to fill the void. The veteran march on DC demonstrated that people who risk their lives for this nation are not afraid of a few baton twirling cops. They were not afraid to walk up to the White House and dump Obama’s gates in front of the place.

They will not be afraid to do what is necessary to regain the nation our Founders gave us.

God help us.

We are going to need it.

In the mean time, prepare for another showdown in December, just before the holidays and during the shopping season. Prepare for another intense debate with warnings of dire circumstances and then prepare for the low life members of Congress and the Bozo in the White House to pass some spending bill that does what they all want so they can slap each other on the ass, pour a few drinks and laugh at us.

God bless America.

She needs it now more than ever because the enemy is within.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Government Shutdown Is To Inconvenience You

The Democrats shut down the government because they are inflexible and are unwilling to negotiate. Barack Obama said he would not negotiate on the budget or the debt ceiling which is interesting. You see, he has labeled the people with whom he disagrees terrorists and those seem to be the only people he will actually negotiate with.

The Democrats wanted the government to shut down. The Republicans did not which is why the Republicans funded every part of the government except Obamacare. Democrats refused to fund the government (all of which would have been) if Obamacare was not part of it. They are lock step with Barack Hussein Obama.

Make no mistake the Democrats wanted the government shut down. The conventional wisdom is that this benefits them in the next election. Democrats are all for anything to win elections no matter what it costs or who it hurts so it is reasonable to conclude they wanted the shutdown to win the next election.

To make matters worse the Democrats, through their supreme leader Obama, have worked to make the shutdown as troublesome as possible. They are deliberately using the shutdown as a reason to screw with people even if it is not necessary to apply the shutdown to specific areas.

Here are a few examples:

The monuments in DC are closed to the public. Many of them are in open areas and are not regularly staffed. They are patrolled by the Park Police and those police officers are still on duty because they are deemed essential. So what has changed? Nothing. The monuments are still in open areas where people roam about each and every day. They are not manned so there is no difference and they are patrolled like they are every other day. The government spent money to erect barriers in places where, on any other given day, people walk about without government workers manning a station. The monuments are in the open at night. They are in the open on weekends. They are in the open each and every day and yet Barack Obama has closed them with barricades and the only reason is to inconvenience people.

[note]World War II veterans who showed up to see the WWII Memorial moved the barricades and proceeded to the monument. I somehow doubt the people who fought that war are intimidated by barriers that serve no purpose other than to harass and inconvenience people.[/note]

There are more Park Police at these things now than there are when the government is fully funded and not on shutdown. Why?

A Virginia Park that receives absolutely NO government money has been shutdown. The Claude Moore Colonial Farm has been ordered to shut down until the government reaches a budget deal. The problem here is that the park receives no money to operate and the people who work there are volunteers or people not paid by the federal government. Managing Director Anna Eberly hits the nail on the head:

“You do have to wonder about the wisdom of an organization that would use staff they don’t have the money to pay to evict visitors from a park site that operates without costing them any money,”

How else are the Democrats causing undue harm? They are closing down the military commissaries. For those unfamiliar commissaries are the grocery stores located on military bases where authorized patrons shop. Items are sold at cost plus 5% and save authorized patrons a lot of money. Only 2% of the commissary budget is appropriated. The other 98% comes from the 5% surcharge and that money is what pays for the system.

The only congressionally appropriated money spent in the three exchange systems comes in the form of utilities and transportation of merchandise to overseas exchanges and for military salaries. A non-appropriated fund activity (NAF) of the Department of Defense, the exchange services fund 98% of their operating budgets (civilian employee salaries, inventory investments, utilities and capital investments for equipment, vehicles and facilities) from the sale of merchandise, food and services to customers.

Considering the military must work through the shutdown does it not make sense to ensure their support services are available?

Well we can’t have that. The Democrats need to make this tough on everyone and the fact they get to screw the military is a plus. Barack Obama hates the military so this is a way for him to stick it to them. He knows that a huge majority of the service members do not like him, do not think like him and have no respect for him so he cares not if they are screwed as long as they protect him, fly him and carry his freaking bags…

At least Obama might not be able to play golf…

It is a crying shame that the commissaries will close and service members will have to shop in the local community when welfare recipients will still get money to purchase food. In a proper world those takers would be denied money and the military would be supported.

Those are just a few things that are evidence of a deliberate effort to make this shutdown as painful as possible. The Democrats did that with sequester when they implemented all kinds of things that hurt people. It was obvious then and it is obvious now.

[note]The DNC is 17 MILLION dollars in debt while the RNC is MILLIONS in the black. The Democrats run their business like they run the country’s business, into the ground. The RNC has offered to pay to keep the WWII Memorial open. Which party do you want managing your money?[/note]

There is no doubt that all of this is by design and it is likely that they left wants to incite riots and civil unrest so that it can take drastic measures to control the population. That would fulfill the Obama dream of fundamentally transforming this nation into a socialist country.

Fortunately, he was unable to disarm people before this all took place. If the feces hits the rotating cooling device look for armed patriots to restore order and defend against government tyranny.

Like those WWII veterans demonstrated there is no barrier that we cannot overcome. There is no barrier government can erect that will stop us.

And that goes for any barriers anywhere government erects them….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Then Follow The Law Democrats

They keep screaming that Obamacare is the law. It is the law and we must follow it and it will proceed and you mean old Republicans need to stop.

I have already discussed how laws get changed all the time and that if we never changed laws Barack Obama would be picking cotton in the south. How if we kept laws in place there would be different schools based on the color of skin and people would eat at different lunch counters and drink from different fountains.

We changed the laws because they were wrong and they discriminated. It was good that we changed them.

But for some reason Obamacare is a law that cannot be changed. The messiah Barackus Obamus the one and only Hussein has given you a law and you must follow it.

Well let’s look at this because as recently as yesterday both Obama and Harry Reid said that this was the law and it was ruled Constitutional so people needed to get over it and follow it.

Well then let’s follow it and I mean follow all of it.

You see, since Obamacare was passed through brute force and without one Republican vote Barack Hussein Obama has changed that law. He has granted over 1000 waivers, he has exempted some labor unions and he has delayed nearly half of the provisions with the most recent being the employer mandate.

If you want to follow the damned law then follow it. You morons can’t scream that it is the law and needs to be followed if you are not following it. If you can change it then it can be changed so quit screaming about the Republican efforts and either get on board or follow it the way it was written.

By the way, that also means removing the carve out for Congress.

When the law was written there was a provision that required members of Congress and their staff to be in the exchanges without subsidies. They did not like this so Obama once again changed the law to provide taxpayer subsidies to members of Congress and their staff. The subsidies are about 72% of the cost of their health insurance.

I am sorry folks but if we are being told that this is the law and we need to follow it then we need to do just that. This means that Congress does not get subsidies and must follow the original law.

Republicans in the House tried to ensure this by adding a provision that removed the subsidies and forced Congress back into the original provisions of the law. Harry Reid and his Democrats rejected that.

To be clear, Harry Reid and his Democrats voted to keep a change to the law, a law that they say can’t be changed.

To add insult to injury Harry Reid said that the provision by the Republicans (TO FOLLOW THE LAW AS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN) was an attempt to punish 16,000 Congressional staffers.

You get that? Requiring Congress and its staff to follow the law as written is PUNISHMENT.

So now we have to explore this a bit further. If following the law as written is punishment and Harry Reid wants US to follow the law as written then isn’t Harry Reid attempting to PUNISH us?

The federal government is shutting down because the Democrats are inflexible when it comes to provisions that affect the people who make this country work. Only those who are in the favor of the King get special treatment. Only those in Congress get special treatment.

The rest of us get punished.

Democrats shut down the federal government because they would rather punish people than govern.

They made sure they were taken care of while everyone else gets screwed.

It seems to me they should be happy some laws get changed or we would still allow duels…

The Hill

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare Is The Law

This is the mantra we have heard from the left, a left that is employing all the Rules for Radicals in an effort to demonize people opposed to government intrusion into our lives. Liberals have called Tea Party members tea baggers, terrorists, radicals and anarchists in an effort to paint them as a fringe that must be ignored.

The true terrorists are the members of the government who impose things on us designed to take away or freedoms.

We have heard the left tell us that Obamacare is the law as if this means that it cannot be stopped or overturned. We have heard the brain damaged Harry Reid tell us that the opposition comes from people who can’t come to terms with the fact that Obamacare is the law and that the Supreme Court upheld it.

It is the law is NOT a valid reason to oppose an item or to work to have it changed. The left would have you believe that because this is the law that is the end of the story and nothing can or should be done to change it, period. We made a law and you have to follow it and since it is a law you have to follow it and it cannot be changed or revoked.


Slavery was once the law of the land. Separate but equal (Jim Crow laws) was once the law of the land.

These were all changed. The funny thing is that when people were working to change them Democrats acted as if they could not be changed because they were the law.

If we applied the same logic then that liberals like Reid are employing now then Obama would be a slave someplace or he would be required to eat at a different lunch counter.

These laws were all changed so for Reid to indicate that Obamacare is the law and that is that is disingenuous at best.

But let us look at something in the here and now.

Along with the Continuing Resolution the Congress must address the debt ceiling. The US has hit the statutory limit of how much it is allowed to spend. The claim is we will hit it in October but we already hit it and they are using gimmicks to keep us afloat.

BUT, the debt ceiling is a law. So, we can now tell Harry Reid and his sock puppets that the debt ceiling is the law and can’t be changed. We will be using their words against them and that will be a valid reason NOT to raise the limit.

If they want to claim that we can’t change something because it is the law then we need to hold firm on the debt ceiling because it is the law.

Ball is in your court Harry. I expect you will fetch it and take it to Obama while you sit at his feet but it is your ball nonetheless.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
