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Can You Botox a Brain?

Nancy Pelosi is still trying to walk back, re- define, parse her words, and find out just what the definition of the word “is” is, apparently, all regarding her knowledge of enhanced interrogations and when she knew about them.

Her behavior in attempting to explain, reminds me of some conversations I had with my daughter when she was sixteen, and rebelling against authority. There would be vociferous denials, after which, in excruciating slowness, the truth would finally emerge, in detail contrary to her earlier protestations. Now, my daughter has thankfully matured, and grown a set of brains that I am proud of, and even she would shake her head at the juvenile antics of the Speaker of the House, our number three in line, behind (shudder) Biden, and of course, our supreme leader, Barama the Mouth.

That she can blame this fiasco on her leader is just poetic justice, because Barama released the selected memos to keep embarrassing former President Bush, and so people wouldn’t realize that he was stealing the country, but in the process, the law of unintended consequences surfaced, and ensnared Pelosi in her blatant lies and medication induced ramblings.

Peter Goss, the then House Intelligence Committee Chairman, and later CIA chief officer, was briefed at the same time, and says that they were specifically told that water boarding was used against Abu Zubaydah, who was one of three prisoners subjected to these methods. She WAS told- now, if she was so drunk, or medicated that she didn’t remember, she should just say so and be done with it, but to be as blatantly hypocritical as to know in 2002 that water boarding was used, and not say a thing, then to now, in 2009, shrilly call for a “truth” commission ( a rather communistic reference, huh?), is so blatantly two faced, I have to wonder which one she applies makeup to in the mornings.

I have always wondered just how she got the power to be speaker of the House- it couldn’t be brains, as we have noted, so there must be another reason. No, I do not think she went all Monica Lewinsky on her fellow members of the House- the screams would be heard across the Mississippi, but perhaps she employed some sort of extortionate method, because, lets face it- she is not smart enough to do this on her own, nor is she, I believe, conscious enough half the time.

Now, here’s the deal- she isn’t the only liberal who lies like a prostitute in the headlights- the list is legion, and I find it beyond any words I have to describe how clueless and in locked goose step the left is. Nan’s lies won’t bother her base, for they are just as dishonest as she, with their mantra, “The ends justify the means”.
No- character counts, and the vast majority of the American people will see through this farce that liberalism is, and the blowback from the accumulated lies from Barama, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Conyers, Waters, and others will come back to bite them in the butt.

I will look forward to a “Truth Commission” of our own, when we regain power in 2010. I know this will be a full time job, due to the sheer amount of lies, but it will be so satisfying, and like they say Mz. Speaker-
Payback- like you, is a bitch.
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