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Can We Get Iraq To Keep Him?

Senator Joe Biden is in Iraq on a tour of the country that the US brought from dictatorship to a fragile democracy. It is unclear as to what Biden actually is doing there when he is only one week away from taking office as the Vice President but I suspect he is there on Obama business.

I referred to Biden as Senator Biden for a reason. He was elected with Obama to run the country but insisted on swearing in as a Senator, so for now he is a Senator and I believe that he is in Iraq ostensibly, as one.

Obama is big on saying there is only one president at a time and he needs to look like he is not stepping on toes so Biden swears in as a Senator and goes on a trip in that capacity and it will look like Senate business.

Maybe that is the skeptic in me but I don’t trust any of them. It could be that Joe wanted to visit his son (who is serving there) on the taxpayer dime. It would save him on airfare and he could personally deliver his message that daddy’s Senate seat will be held for him for two years until he can make it home safely (which I certainly hope he does).

What I want to know is, can we get Iraq to keep him? They need someone to replace Baghdad Bob. You remember him? He was the guy who kept saying the infidels were not near Baghdad and were dying in the streets as American tanks were rolling by. Well, Biden is perfect for a gig like that. He knows how to tell a lie with the best of them and he is a propaganda guru.

They can even call him the Grand Wizard of Ministry Propaganda and name him Obama bin Biden (PBUH).

It would not last long. They would ship him home before too long. Even the yarn spinning Muslims could only tolerate him for so long. Besides, they are still ticked at him for the plan to divide the country.

Then again, maybe Biden is there to confirm for Obama that the surge really did not work, just as the sainted one has maintained despite information to the contrary.


Big Dog

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