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Campaign Double Talk, from Both Sides

By now most people know that loyal Obama supporter and campaign worker Samantha Power has resigned after she made some nasty remarks about Hillary Clinton. Power called Clinton a monster and had a few other choice things to say about her. Power resigned and apologized for the incident. However, this is the apology:

In her statement, Power said her comments “do not reflect my feelings about Sen. Clinton, whose leadership and public service I have long admired.”

She said she apologizes to both Clinton and Obama.

“I should not have made these comments, and I deeply regret them. It is wrong for anyone to pursue this campaign in such negative and personal terms.”

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, “Sen. Obama decries such characterizations, which have no place in this campaign.”

If these words do not reflect her feelings then why the hell did she say them. This is not like an easily misinterpreted phrase we are talking about. This woman was pretty clear about what she said and what she meant. For what it is worth, I agree with her that Hillary is a monster but most of us know that monster by its proper name; Satan.

Also, what is this stuff from Burton saying that Obama decries such characterizations? Obama has made it clear that he plans to go negative and hit Hillary hard on her claimed experience. Perhaps Obama is not into name calling but he probably agrees that Clinton is a monster.

Satan herself is not clear if campaign babble. She is defending statements she made about Mississippi earlier in the campaign. She said that the comment is not exactly what she said even though they have what she said on tape. I suppose one could argue semantics on this issue but it is clear that Hillary is rewriting history once again. Despite what many Hillary supporters believe, she figured she would have this thing wrapped up on Super Tuesday. The fact that she insulted Mississippi shows that she felt the state would not be important. Now she is in a real fight and needs the delegates from that state.

What a wonderful campaign season. Clinton is rewriting history and Obama is using volunteers who say things that they do not mean.

Sort of like the candidates…..

Daily News

Big Dog