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C-SPAN Asks Congress To Make Good On Obama’s Promise

During the campaign, candidate Obama promised that the health care debate would be out in the open and would be debated on C-SPAN but that has not happened. The health care debate has been carried out in closed door meetings where shady deals were cut to gain support. The so called transparency of Obama is out the window and regardless of how many morons claim he has not lied or broken a promise, the truth is that he has. He said the debate would be on C-SPAN and it has not been.

C-SPAN CEO Brian Lamb wrote to the leaders in Congress and asked them to open the last part of the debate to the public by fulfilling Obama’s promise, that is to put it on C-SPAN. Since the Democrats are already negotiating the bill behind closed doors and skirting the reconciliation process it is very unlikely that the debate will get any air time. I will make te prediction now that they will say no and it will not be debated in the open.

Nancy Pelosi just slapped the American people in the face by claiming that there has never been a more open process. I guess if weekend and middle of the night votes after closed door secret meetings define openness then she is correct. However, since the definition of open has a different meaning, Pelosi is lying.

It was Nancy Pelosi who told us that; “The Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical congress in history.” Well, they might have intended to but they certainly have not. Charlie Rangel, Timothy Geithner, and Chris Dodd lead the cast of many in the Democrat party who have had ethics problems. The corrupt manner in which votes were bought in the Senate in no way reflects openness and the closed door secret meetings defy the claim of “most open.”

Democrats are in trouble and some have read the writing on the wall and have decided not to seek reelection. Many others will become victims of their actions, a fate Obama and “safe” Democrats seem to be OK with.

The Democrats intended to be the most open and ethical and Obama promised to air the health care debate on C-SPAN. None of this has happened because they will say anything to get elected and to fool the public. They did what they had to do to get in office and now they are doing what they want, the public be damned.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for any of this to be on C-SPAN. You will die from lack of oxygen long before you get to exact your revenge in November.

Big Dog


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