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But, But, There Is A Consensus Among Scientists On Global Warming

The global warming zealots have been running around for a long time telling us the science is settled and that we need to buck up and submit to the stupidity that will cost us a fortune and have no measurable affect on the climate. After a long period of no warming they started using the phrase climate change so that Al Gore could continue to rake in billions of dollars with this scam.

Even after the scientists were caught lying about global warming we were told to just ignore the man behind the curtain and submit to the global warming gods. After all, how can we argue with all those scientists.

I have argued with them for a long time. I pointed out that they had something to gain by continuing the charade because they keep getting money if they keep saying it exists.

Interestingly, a group of scientists has come forward to tell us that not all of the science world is on board with global warming and that it is not really anything to worry about. They even point out many of the items I claimed when I argued against the hoax.

These scientists do not believe the science is settled and they believe there is nothing to worry about.

Don’t expect the mush filled heads of the adherents of the Church of Global Warming to believe this or to give these scientists credit.

Only scientists who agree with them are credible and deserve to be listened to.

This is how science works in the liberal world. They claim an issue is settled and refuse to hear anything else contrary to their beliefs. Then they stick their fingers in their ears and sing la,la,la.

They will soon devise another climate scam to bilk governments out of the people’s money.

Wall Street Journal

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
