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Bush Still Has Class

This will make the liberals nuts because they hate the mention of George W Bush. When his name is mentioned they get blood in their eyes and start to drool heavily but that will just have to be too bad. George Bush was at a breakfast with his White House aides and he indicated that he was seeking anonymity and did not want to be a thorn in Obama’s side:

The former president, who also touted his administration’s domestic agenda, said he was resolved to keep a low profile and indicated he did not want to be a thorn in the side of President Barack Obama.

“I have no desire to see myself on television. I don’t want to be on a panel of formers instructing the currents on what to do. I’m trying to regain a sense of anonymity,” Bush said.

“I didn’t like it when a certain former president — and it wasn’t 41 or 42 — made my life miserable,” he said in a reference to Jimmy Carter, who infuriated the Bush White House in 2007 when he accused the administration of allowing the use of torture on terror suspects.

Bush wants to get on with things and not be in the public’s eye. I think it shows a lot of class that he is not out second guessing Obama and his administration.

That is what people like me are for.

Big Dog


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