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Bubba’s Back

And the message is the same- there’s a “Vast, Right-wing Conspiracy” that is after the Resident- yes Virginia, the same conspiracy that chased Billy boy through the halls of the White House while he was “engaged” with Monica- the same “conspiracy” that put Republicans back in control of Congress, and derailed his flawed “Hillary- Care” health proposals.

Former President Bill Clinton told NBC’s David Gregory on “Meet the Press” that the so-called “vast right-wing conspiracy” still exists and is “as virulent as it was,” but has had its impact diminished by the nation’s changing demographics.

Gregory asked: “Your wife famously talked about the vast right wing conspiracy targeting you. As you look at this opposition on the right to President Obama, is it still there?”

 The former president replied: “Oh, you bet. Sure it is. It’s not as strong as it was, because America has changed demographically. But it’s as virulent as it was. I mean, they’re saying things about him. You know, it’s like when they accused me of murder, and all that stuff they did. … But … it’s not really good for the Republicans and the country, what’s going on now. I mean, they may be hurting President Obama. They can take his numbers down. They can run his opposition up. But, fundamentally, he and his team have a positive agenda for America. Their agenda seems to be wanting him to fail.”


Yes, yes we do, although I am hardly a “conspiracy” here- I haven’t, as far as I am aware, “colluded” with anyone, but that apparently never stopped the vast left- wing paranoia that the Clintons have, and it seems as if this paranoia has infected the rest of the morons on the left- Pelosi, Reid, and the rest. What a shame.

Personally, I have not thought that what happened with Monica and Billy was a deal- killer. Now, lying under oath was- after all he was the president- if anyone is inextricably bound to the law, it would be him, or at least, that is what one is taught to believe, but then truth is a slippery thing for liberals- so many shades of gray- not to mention the definition of the word “is”.

If that is what constitutes a “Vast, Right- wing Conspiracy”, that is not much- but now that  the left has cheapened the word, “racist” by throwing that one around as often as they do, they needed to come up with another chestnut they could hurl, and they chose an oldie but goodie.

We have now abandoned allies, ceding superiority to Russia, and leaving the Poles and the Czechs to their own means of defense. Oh, what a warm and cuddly feeling they must have towards us now- I am informed the Poles wouldn’t even talk to Sec. Clinton when she called them, and I do not blame them at all- apparently we still write our treaties on napkins, ready to throw away at a moment’s notice. I am sure the Indians in America could have told the Poles something about this. One would think we had learned by now. The rest of our “allies” must be rather nervous now, and I certainly don’t blame them.

I mean, the “conspiracy” just envelops anyone who doesn’t like the agenda the left is touting, whether it is healthcare, energy, or some other “kumbaya” moment that is “settled science” or “settled debate” or something else the left insists is now no longer up for discussion.

Wrong- anytime something costs the American taxpayer as much as it will if all this passes, there will be debate- there will be pushback. That is only fair, as this will not only affect us as Americans financially, at a time when we can scarcely afford it, but it gives the government broad powers that are, at their roots, unconstitutional at best, and downright dictatorial at worst.

If genuine concern for the welfare of one’s country makes one a part of a “Right- wing Conspiracy”, then I will gladly plead guilty to that charge- in a heartbeat. What I will not do is stand idly by while people who want to tear this great country down from the inside are busy doing so.

We, as a country, have never had more challenges than we do now- and unfortunately, many of these challenges are home- grown, put in our path by those who wrongly believe that they know the world, when they never paid attention to history before- they just blithely believe that their blind certainty will carry the day, not understanding that there are outside forces, some of them masquerading as our friends and allies, who are just waiting for that moment of weakness to strike- anyone who believes otherwise is dangerously naive and should have no say in our government- they are just giving aid and comfort to our enemies, and that is treason- remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Ignorance of the world is not an excuse either.

Not when you are in the government.
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