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Black Caucus Getting Uneasy With Obama

Maxine Waters was out slamming Barack Obama today as she discussed her concerns with the folks. She said that Obama was not doing what he was supposed to be and that he was not in the black neighborhoods. Perhaps she does not understand that Obama is a politician (wait, I think she commented on that) and that he goes to where he needs the votes. His approval rating is way down to 26% (not that you would know it by the media coverage that took great pleasure in telling us about Bush’s bad numbers) and he needs votes.

Obama does not need to go to the black neighborhoods. He will get 90-95% of the black vote because he is a Democrat and because he is black. What he needs is the white vote. He can get 100% of all the eligible black votes in the country and cannot win without support from whites. His approval numbers are down in middle America, and area he did well in during the last election, and he knows that without those states he will not win a second term.

So Waters can complain all she wants, Obama is a politician and he knows that he has the black vote wrapped up. He will throw them some bones near the election (like all Democrats do) in order to keep them on the plantation but he has that constituency wrapped up. The only thing he needs to worry about is getting them to the polls.

I predict that the black vote will be down in 2012. Many will be disenchanted with Obama because the newness has worn off. He is no longer an unknown novelty. He has a record now and people are not happy with it. He might get a good turnout if he throws the right bones but the turnout will not be like it was in 2008.

Obama is in trouble with the Independents and the whites who voted for him out of guilt or out of desire for something different. They now know they made a mistake and do not want to make it again.

He has failed to keep his promises and the unemployment rate is way above the 8% he promised when he said we had to pass the Stimulus. And yes, his folks made that claim and one of those who made the claim is saying now that unemployment will not be below 8% before the election. The unemployment rate in the black community is much higher and they are not happy.

Maxine Waters was asking for permission to go after Obama and she got it. It will be interesting to see how things turn out in 2012.

But make no mistake, he will get the lion’s share of the black voters who decide to actually vote.

Waters video at RCP
Remember what Jay Carney said about Bush and photo op vacations?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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