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Bill Clinton Wants To Go To Copenhagen

A lot of people are going to Copenhagen for the Climate Summit where they can discuss how to impose massive amounts of taxes on countries (read taxpayers) in order to force rich countries to pay for what now has turned out to be an unsettled issue.

The prostitution industry thrives there and Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards to the hotels telling guests not to visit the brothels. It seems she does not want this trade, that is legal there, to continue.

The prostitutes are fighting back. They will give free sex to anyone who arrives at a brothel with one of the postcards.

Bill Clinton has now asked to go to the Summit. Word has it that he is collecting as many of the postcards as he can get his hands on.

He promised to split them with Hillary.

Barack Obama cut back his schedule for Copenhagen and when asked about the free sex he replied; “I don’t need any more sex. I get to screw America everyday and I get paid to do it.”

Spiegel Online

Big Dog


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