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Bill Clinton; Ambition Over Country

Bill Clinton is the old sage of the Democrat Party. He is still very popular among the party faithful and if it were not for a young upstart named Obama Clinton might have made history as a president whose wife also won the presidency (though who knows, maybe McCain would have beat her). Anyway, Clinton does not like Barack Obama, at all.

[note]With Democrats it is party over everything. With Bill Clinton it is personal ambition over everything.[/note]

Clinton never forgave Obama for using the race card on Clinton and his ire was further fueled when it was learned that this was a strategy all along. Clinton does not like Barack Obama and thinks he is not a good president.

Bill Clinton has told people that he thinks Obama is unqualified and that he is making a mess of things. Of course this did not stop Clinton from helping Obama win reelection.

In 2011, about a year before the election, Obama’s numbers were not good and the economy was not improving (and it still isn’t). There was real concern among Democrats that he could lose the election. I think if the media had not helped Obama in at least one debate and if there was not widespread voter fraud (it is nearly impossible for one candidate to get all the votes and not possible for more people to vote than live in an area. It is also highly improbable that all registered voters would turn out in so many districts).

But I digress. The Obama team realized he was in trouble and told him he needed Bill Clinton to campaign for him. Obama did not want to enlist Clinton’s services because Obama does not like Bill Clinton. Eventually though, he asked Bill to join him for a round of golf.

Clinton accepted but he did not want to do it. Did I mention that Clinton does not like Obama (a common theme here)? Bill did it though because he wanted something in return for his help.

Clinton made it clear to Obama that Hillary would be running for the presidency in 2016 and that they wanted Obama’s support. They expected that Obama would at the least endorse her candadacy and then use his vast voter outreach program to help her. Obama was not really keen on that part of the deal but he needed Clinton to seal up a second term win.

Clinton gave a great speech at the Democrat Convention, a speech that riled Obama and his people because it took the spotlight off the chosen one.

In any event, Obama won reelection and this was, in large part, because Clinton helped him out.

The details are outlined in a new book by Edward Klein entitled Blood Feud; The Clintons vs. The Obamas. Klein gathered information from his vast network of inside sources to reveal life in the underbelly of DC politics between the Democrat’s two power families.

All of that is well and good. Anyone with eyes can see these people do not like each other. I am more concerned about this little issue;

Bill Clinton thought Obama was unqualified and not doing a good job. But he helped him out in order to get his support for Hillary in 2016. In a nutshell, Bill Clinton put his personal agenda and ambition over the best interests of the country. This is not some minor league issue where people scratch each other’s backs. This is a game where the top player makes decisions that affect the entire nation, the world, and our way of life. Obama started screwing the country up the day he took office and he kept digging after hitting rock bottom. Clinton could have declined to help Obama or endorsed another candidate for the good of the country but Clinton does not care about the country.

It should not surprise me because Clinton has already shown that he lacks integrity and that he puts his desires above all other things but I still have this idea that true patriots put the needs of the country first.

Then again, no one ever confused Bill Clinton with a patriot…

Bill sold out to help Hillary. Incidentally, Hillary sold out to give Obama cover after Benghazi.

These two are self serving and do not care what happens to the country as long as they satisfy their thirst for power.

It is really a shame because America can do better…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
