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Biden The Gaffe Factory And Other Interesting Things

Joe Biden has been a walking gaffe machine for the past few weeks. I imagine that Ole Joe has allowed Jack Daniels do the talking and it has gotten him in trouble (though Biden can make great gaffes when he is completely sober). Yesterday, here is what the man who has a higher IQ than you said:

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.” Yahoo

The only problem is that Herbert Hoover was the president when the market crashed in 1929. FDR took office in 1933. The television was not commercially available until the mid 1930s. FDR was the first president on TV though. He appeared in 1939 at the NY World’s Fair.

A University of Massachusetts chaplain offered college credits to students who campaigned for Barack Obama. The school has disavowed itself but there is no indication if the plan will still go forward. Perhaps the school could step in and stop this activity that might run afoul of state ethics laws. [Boston Herald]

A fifth grader in Colorado was suspended for wearing an anti Obama T Shirt. The shirt read “Obama is a terrorist’s best friend.” A student at another school was forced to remove a shirt depicting an American Flag. He had to wear a bright yellow shirt that read; “DCV: Dress Code Violator.” If he had burned the flag they would have given him 2 extra college credits…. There might be some hope, students are planning to carry flags and wear red, white, and blue to school. Next thing you know they will be bitterly clinging to guns and religion. [Fox] [Merced Sun Star] Big Dog Salute to Jay at STACLU.

The FBI is investigating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, and Lehman Brothers to see if any illegal activities, like fraud, took place. The feds will be looking at the companies and the Senior Management. Good, it is about time. If they go deep enough they can hang quite a few Democrats and former Clinton people. [My Way News]

Iran’s baboon president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, declared that the US was on the verge of collapse and should end its military involvement in other countries. I wonder if anyone made a speech saying that Iran should stop its involvement in other countries. Did anyone remind him that Iran is a top sponsor of terror and that it should stop arming Hamas and Hezbolla? This sawed off ape should be dragged around Ground Zero in New York by a New York City firetruck. [My Way News]

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Big Dog