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Ben Nelson Should Have Waited

Ben Nelson sold his political career in the US Senate for Obamacare. Nelson was opposed to provisions of the plan and eventually took a payoff to give his vote even though the payoff did not correct that to which he was opposed. It did, however, give him a provision that requires the rest of the country to pay the tab for Nebraska’s Medicare.

Ever since Nelson sold is soul for party politics his constituents have been letting him have an earful and he has been running around trying to explain why he sold out. Nelson is now saying that Democrats should have waited on health care and focused on the economy.

Mr. Nelson, YOU could have forced them to wait. You claim that Democrats should have waited but you had the power to slow down the process and allow the debate (such that it was with Republicans blocked out) to continue. You sold your vote and now you are trying to blame your party.

You are really a pathetic little man. You voted for the bill and regardless of the reason you should have the testicular fortitude to stand up and take responsibility for YOUR vote. The voters know why you did it so all the rationalizing in the world is not going to save you on this issue. Be a man and accept the responsibility for your actions. The only thing you have going for you is that you are not up for reelection until 2012 but I believe that will be the end of your time in the Senate. Nebraskans will not forget how you betrayed them and how you sold your vote in favor of party politics.

You folks in the great state of Nebraska need to keep pressure on this little man and hold him accountable. It did not take C-SPAN for Americans to see how Nelson betrayed is constituents.

Speaking of C-SPAN, CBS is now on the Obama is not transparent bandwagon. In a piece entitled, Obama Reneges on Health Care Transparency, CBS reports:

During the campaign, though, candidate Obama regularly promised something different – to broadcast all such negotiations on C-SPAN, putting the entire process of pounding out health care reform out in the open. (That promise applied to the now-completed processing of forging House and Senate bills, too.)

Back when Republicans controlled Congress and George W. Bush was in the White House, it was Democrats who angrily complained about secret backroom deals.

Now the roles are reversed.

CBS and the rest of the Lame Stream Media carried the water for Obama and helped him get elected. He could not have gotten better treatment from them if he had paid them to campaign for him (and maybe he did) so it is interesting that CBS would point out this glaring lie that is Obama. But in a fashion for which the LSM is known, CBS comes to the table just a little bit late in the discussion. From the start of this debate it was obvious that it would not be transparent and that Democrats were hiding in rooms with the doors closed negotiating under cover of darkness. Democrats went extremely covert after Town Hall meetings in August where constituents let them have it with both barrels. Rather than address constituent concerns or take a new look, Democrats hunkered down in bunkers away from the public’s eye. Welcome to the party CBS, even if you are many months too late.

How long before you report on the moon landing?

As for cover of darkness, a Pennsylvania Democrat looking to unseat Arlen Specter, says that the blame for the drop in public support falls squarely on the Democrats.

Rep. Joe Sestak blames Democratic leaders for the plunge in public support for overhauling the health care system, saying Wednesday they failed to defend proposals that helped carry the party to victories in 2008.

“They said it would be transparent. Why isn’t it?” said Sestak, a Delaware County Democrat, in a meeting with Tribune-Review editors and reporters. “At times, I find the caucus is a real disappointment. We aren’t transparent, not just to the public but at times to the members.” Pittsburgh Tribune

CBS is pointing out the Democrat’s lack of transparency and a Democrat is pointing out the same thing and blaming it, in part, for the lack of support. When Republicans complain about the lack of transparency we are greeted with assurances that this has been the most transparent administration and Congress in history.

Evidently, some of their own are finding that the only transparency involved is how transparent the lies are.

UPDATE: Jack Cafferty of CNN rips Obama on transparency and hopes voters remember this in the midterm elections.

Big Dog


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