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Barbara Bush Was Right

When Katrina hit New Orleans after the biggest failure of local political leadership in many years, Barbara Bush was going through Houston meeting evacuees and she said that many were overwhelmed by the hospitality. She also said that many living in poverty so this was working out for them:

“And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway,” she said, “so this is working very well for them.” NYT

Of course some people were upset at this honest statement and had something to say about it. The reactions here and here are examples of the response with the last link indicating that Mrs. Bush insulted the people. I guess the truth is an insult here but not so much when the truth comes from Harry Reid (about light skinned non negro talking Obama).

So will these folks take a similar stance at Arne Duncan’s honest statement about the people of New Orleans?

Education Secretary Arne Duncan, one of the Chicagoans brought to Washington for “The Golden Age of Hope and Change” (aka, “The Unmitigated Disaster of Unprecedented Proportions”), said recently that “the best thing to ever happen to the school system in New Orleans was Hurricane Katrina”. HillBuzz

In other words, the best thing to happen to these poor people was Hurricane Katrina because they got better schools.

Is this any different than saying that the hospitality in Houston that was shown to the poor people “is working well for them?”

I think both statements are true and things after Katrina have worked well for the folks. This is not to say that the hurricane was a good thing, only that the things that happened after were good for them (though not everything has been perfect).

I wonder how much buzz Arne’s statement will create?

Want to bet none?

Big Dog


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