Barack Obama Sees The Light

Barack Obama met with a number of veteran’s organizations today and discussed his plan to have their service related disabilities paid for by private insurance. He listened to what they had to say and no doubt he realized that it would be political suicide to do this so he has decided to scrap the plan, at least for now.

A lot of people attacked this early and for good reason. Obama has shown that the way he gets things done is to steamroll the opposition. He bombards us until he gets his way. By the time any opposition can be mounted he has already achieved his goal. It was important to get out in front of him on this issue to ensure he never got any support. Remember, he has a database of 10 million that he can tap into for support.

In any respect, I am happy that he saw the light and did the right thing. I have no doubt in my mlitary mind that his was a political decision but I’ll take it anyway.

There are some who are saying they are finally in agreement with him on an issue. I agree with him on this as well but I also recognize that this should have NEVER been an issue.

We are ending up applauding him for not doing the wrong thing instead of doing the right thing to begin with.

To those who shouted this down, thank you.


Big Dog

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