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Bag and Tag

Barama has vowed to close Gitmo, the place outside of the United States where we have kept the terrorists that we managed to pick up on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. These people were not haphazardly picked up for the heck of it, yanked off of their streets for “walking while Arab”- no, they were detained for actively fighting against the U.S., and were deemed to have intel that might help keep the U.S. safe. These are not impulsive decisions, decided on the spur of the moment, but considered case by case, since the room available at Gitmo is finite.

For years these people have been sequestered at Gitmo, and now the Resident has decided that we must let them go, or put them in U.S. prisons, neither of which is a good idea on its own, although if you are going to put them in prisons, they should be released into the general population, so that the prison population can show these people the error of their ways.

If, however, the decision is reached to allow these people to go back to their country of origin, they should be tagged with GPS transmitters, so we know where they are at all times. Perhaps then we could track them back to their terror cells and begin to clean up this extremist mess we have now.

It has been proved that many of these Arab terrorists revert to their old ways when they go back, and some have been re- caught, or killed on the battlefield when they were returned.

I know the argument that no country wants them, or if they are returned to their home country, that they will be tortured or killed- does anybody really care? If you play with the big boys, be prepared to play for keeps. These are people who want to die- I say, why not? This way, we will clear out Gitmo, keep track of these people, and if they are killed by their home country, oh well.

This is a problem of Barama’s own making- he should not have opened his big mouth until he had a plan, but now he is being told by both Republican and Democrat lawmakers that these terrorists should not be put into prisons in their states, so his options are limited.

Some of the liberals are saying that some of these detainees are completely innocent- who truly believes this? Really? That is an assumption, and we all know what happens when you assume. These liberal idiots are even saying that we should admit these people into the U.S. and give them welfare, so they can get used to life in the United States. Great, as long as they can live in Georgie Soros’ home, or next door to Pelosi- they can exchange waterboarding techniques.

I personally do not care about the detainees welfare- at all. Their lives are so far down my list of concerns, that they don’t even make page 23. I do care about the security of these United States, and I am more than willing to tag these POS terrorists, and release them back into the thick of things just to see where they go.

I do know one thing- the CIA needs no handcuffs on its ability to find and kill these terrorists, and Barama has now taken some of our abilities off of the table in a misguided and idiotic attempt to make the terrorists like us. What a canard- does ANYBODY without dementia believe this is a good idea?

If this is what our Pretender-in-Chief has in mind for prisoners, then I recommend a no prisoners policy- just make sure these people can’t harm us ever again.

There is one sure way to do that, and it’ll save us space in our prisons and be able to close Gitmo- just shoot them all. If you don’t have the guts to do that, then you had better re-think the Gitmo option, because doing nothing is not an option we have the luxury of considering.

Kind and fuzzy is not going to cut it either.

Come on- pick an option- grow some stones and quit looking at your tele- prompter- think for yourself, but by God, think of the safety of this country before you open your mouth and sound like an idiot.


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