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Back to work, Slave!

Ah, winter arrives throughout North America, and once again, citizens are turned into slaves. Slave: “One bound in servitude.”

You see, many governments in the winter, require work from people. No, you have no option. You either serve the government and do it’s bidding, including physical labor, or you are jailed. I’m not sure how anyone can say that it is not slavery.

Pretend I’m standing next to you, on a deserted island. I demand that you dig a hole. You either dig a hole, or I will take you and put you in a cage for some amount of time. Then, when I decide to release you from the cage, I again demand that you dig a hole. If you refuse, I might invite a few of my friends over, who beat you in an attempt to get you to dig the hole. If you continue to refuse, it’s back into the cage for you. If I cage you enough times, I’ll just take your property from you, too. And if you get too bothersome, I might have my friends shoot you so I can get someone else to come dig the hole I demand. If you dig the hole I demand, when and where I demand, I’ll leave you alone. And no, there are no “authorities” for you to call and save you. If you attempt to run, my friends will chase you down and capture you and place you in a cage. Is there any way you can say that you’re not a slave under those circumstances?

Sadly, that’s what various governments in the US do when they demand that you shovel snow. Oh sure, it’s for the “common good.” It’s to “help everyone.” But does my hole-digging situation make it all okay if I just say that I’m forcing you to dig a hole to “help people?”

Go ahead, claim government won’t do that because many (like Denver) claim it’s an “administrative citation.” Then watch what happens if you don’t dig their hole or pay their money. They will beat you, arrest you, and jail you. Oh, how I yearn for freedom.


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