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Back in a Moment-

Sarah Palin resigned effectively on July 18 of this year, and people are wondering why. I am wondering why not sooner, what with all the unwarranted abuse she had to take from the left wing loons who delighted in attacking her family, something that used to be considered off- limits, back when the left had some semblance of morality and/ or a conscience when it came to attacking mentally challenged babies. That, as we have seen ad nauseum, is and has been out the window when it came to this past election cycle. The left was utterly vicious, and I have heard some who were actually proud of those attacks.

Not that politics has ever been anything but down in the mud fighting before, but families were kept out of it, much like the old mob hits- you might shoot a man to doll rags, but not his family. Now however, both the right and the left show no mercy, no morality- they are more like the cowardly Mexican drug gangs who just spray a whole house down with bullets, killing all inside.

There are some political insiders who feel that this is a calculated move, possibly to gain her some time to learn global politics- perhaps so, but the action is still a bit puzzling in a political sense.

Palin’s statement was ambiguous with regard to her future. “We know we can effect positive change outside government at this point in time on another scale and actually make a difference for our priorities,” she said, hinting at larger ambitions. But she also expressed weariness over what she called “superficial, wasteful, political blood sport.” Was that a hint that she intends to turn away from elective politics?

Certainly, after a week when she was the target of new attacks over her performance in the 2008 campaign — attacks that sparked a war of words between prominent Republican strategists — slipping into the background might be a welcome tonic for Palin and her family.


Certainly the attacks from the left have been relentless, but the attacks from the right, as surrogates of other presidential hopefuls try to tear her down, are also a cause of great disappointment, I am sure- after all, they are supposed to be part of the same team, but they are acting every bit as badly as any die hard liberal, cowardly backbiting in an attempt to give their chosen “candidate” an edge.

One strategist who assumes she has presidential aspirations called the decision to resign her office “puzzling,” and another described it as “nutty.” “If this is about running for president, it’s about as odd a way as we’ve ever seen,” said John Weaver, a Republican strategist.

Their reasoning followed conventional assumptions about what it takes to mount a national campaign — that, in surrendering the governor’s office in Alaska and ending her brief tenure in statewide office, she leaves behind a thin record on which to base a national bid.


Of course, thin as her record is, it still dwarfs the record of our newest Resident, whose biggest real accomplishment so far has been to limit the amount of cigarettes he smokes. Other than that, not much has really happened.

I wouldn’t blame her for walking away- when you sacrifice your privacy,  your families’ privacy, your time and your good name,in the service of your country, you might think that the attacks would limit themselves to you alone, but no. There is so much more in terms of satisfaction being a private citizen, and Sarah and Todd have five children to raise.

Why they would prefer to raise them in the goldfish bowl of national politics was always beyond me. Even the Wicked Witch of the West, Nanny Pelosi, waited until her spawn was grown. Now they are off spawning little libbies of their own, and she is helping the U.S. implode.

Sarah has plenty of time to raise her family, and become educated on International politics- she is smart, she is driven, and even if she decided to forego politics for the rest of her life, there is precedent for this too.

Politics was never envisioned as a “career” for anyone. You were expected to serve some time, move back to the private sector, where the money was, and move on with your life. Politics was never supposed to be a place to get rich. That was in bad taste and totally venal to boot. It just was not done, that is, IF you had a conscience and were a moral person.

Sadly, we see less and less of this every day.
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