Attax On Media Matters

The left wing group Media Matters exists to attack right wing news sources and to refute stories about people (and polices) on the left. The organization is biased and will defend a liberal (or liberal policy) and cast doubt on any accusation about the liberal (or policy) even when it is obvious that the liberal (or liberal policy) is wrong.

It should come as no surprise because this organization is set up to defend the liberal/progressive policies of the left and to cast doubt (or lie) about those on the right. It has a goal of bringing down FOX News.

I do not care what MM does because it has a right to exist and it has a right to say and write what it wants. It is up to others to wade through the lies and determine what is accurate and what is not. Or one could do as I do and ignore the site and what it writes. I only look at it when some liberal links to it to prove its point. You know how it is, a liberal finds a site that agrees with it and that site becomes the gospel for the liberal in question. All well and good.

I do however; have a problem with Media Matters being tax exempt. The organization does not meet the requirements for being tax exempt and it should not be getting away with, how should I put this so liberals will understand, oh yeah; not paying its fair share.

Charles Krauthammer is quoted in the Daily Caller as saying that Media Matters can be as nasty as it wants but it should not ask for government subsidies.

I know that it is a liberal organization so it would be nearly impossible for it to survive without government subsidy (see Air Amerika) though George Soros might throw even more money into the mix to keep his propaganda arm in service.

I also find it ironic (and hypocritical) that Media Matters is in business to push the liberal/progressive agenda and is on top of the phony stories about conservative tax policies or that the rich don’t pay their fair share blah, blah but is set up in a fashion so as to avoid paying taxes.

Typical liberal double standard. It should not be much of a surprise though considering the organization calls itself “Media Matters for America” and then proves daily that media only matters if it is left wing media. The cause of this nest of drones is to find conservative misinformation in print and broadcast media and to provide rapid responses to such misinformation. If media actually mattered then wouldn’t ALL media matter? No, this group does not care if you receive misinformation from the left because that helps to push the liberal agenda and helps them generate more mush heads who follow liberals.

So we should remove its tax exempt status and make it rename itself to “Only Left Wing Media Matters To Us.”

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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11 Responses to “Attax On Media Matters”

  1. Adam says:

    “The organization does not meet the requirements for being tax exempt and it should not be getting away with…”

    What specifically is MM doing that disqualifies it from 501(c)(3) status?

    Media Matters is a 501(c)(3) just like CATO, Heritage, and American Enterprise Institute for instance. Simply being biased is not a problem. The tax exempt status simply prohibits their direct involvement in campaigns and limits their involvement in lobbying.

    • Blake says:

      What matters is that it openly attacks FOX, not MSNBC, the media company that wears liberal kneepads for Barrie. They are supposed to not take a blatantly progressive stance with the express purpose of attempting to remove a part (LARGE part) of the media.
      If they want to attempt to “factcheck” FOX, well that is OK- but to take part in actually removing a media outlet like FOX? they would be better served in starting small, like MSNBC, which has, what? Three viewers?

  2. Adam says:

    And again I find it funny that you have to suggest MM is somehow not living up to it’s name by being liberal. They make no suggestion that they are anything other than what they are:

    Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

    They lean liberal by design and to suggest this is no revelation.

    • Big Dog says:

      They are not living up to their name and it has everything to do with being liberal. Media encompasses ALL media. Their name suggests that all media matters when in reality the only media they are concerned with is conservative media that they claim is misinforming. When liberal media misinforms MM does not go after it. That is because they are set up to go after conservative media so the name is misleading. It should be Only Left Wing Media Matters.

      I fail to see how you cannot grasp that. Oh wait, I know why.

      Perhaps the difference is that CATO is non partisan “The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues”

      MM stated that it runs a boot camp for womks (you know to make them better at finding conservative misinformation) and as the article points out, the SCOTUS said that a conservative organization that did this was not entitled to tax exempt status. And therein lies the problem.

      Besides Adam, they are not doing their fair share. They are not patriotic in paying their taxes. You progressives sure do go after people who pay taxes and demand they pay more but excuse those in your own ranks who are shirking their duties. Why are they willing to be non tax paying when they desire more taxes for others.

      I bet you can’t even see the problem with that. Then again, you never saw a problem with John Kerry’s tax avoidance. It is all about the party as to whether it is right or wrong, eh Adam?

      • Adam says:

        “Their name suggests that all media matters when in reality the only media they are concerned with is conservative media that they claim is misinforming.”

        Media Matters is searching for and calling out conservative misinformation in all forms of media. It’s not that complicated.

        “…and as the article points out, the SCOTUS said that a conservative organization that did this was not entitled to tax exempt status.”

        It would be interesting to examine the two cases and find out which group the IRS said had to lose it’s status over a boot camp and exactly why.

        “You progressives sure do go after people who pay taxes and demand they pay more but excuse those in your own ranks who are shirking their duties.”

        Sorry. I think the super rich and the largest US corporations should pay more in taxes. Does that mean a non-profit should not be tax-exempt if it’s a liberal group? Of course not. You’re reaching.

        “Then again, you never saw a problem with John Kerry’s tax avoidance.”

        Tax avoidance is something the rich always do. I’m no big fan of John Kerry though so I don’t really see how that matters.

  3. Mr. Ogre says:

    They’re tax exempt because they promote government. Of course government is going to support them with such a status!

    • Adam says:

      They are one of literally 1 million 501c3 groups and it has nothing to do with promoting government.

      • Big Dog says:

        And they are funded directly and indirectly by George Soros.

        Who cares if they are one of a million. If they are in any way doing something that should get their tax exempt status revoked then it should be revoked.

        If not then no problem. The issue is there and needs to be looked at.

        Being funded by Soros is a warning flag.

        • Adam says:

          “If they are in any way doing something that should get their tax exempt status revoked then it should be revoked.”

          I agree. I haven’t seen the case made, but I do agree.

        • Blake says:

          When you, as a 501(3)C, are FOCUSED on attacking one media outlet, TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHERS, then they should lose their tax-exempt status, as they have become an arm of the government that said media outlet is criticizing. This is an unfair advantage for the government AND MM-
          And if you can’t see this, you are a lost cause, Adam. I would be just as outraged if it was MSNBC that was being savaged on the gubbmint dime.
          Just remember, if this precedent is set and left to fester, when the conservatives are firmly in power, what is to stop them from doing the same? Will you cry foul then?

          • Adam says:

            This is not about precedent and 501(c)(3) tax exempt status has nothing to do with who you attack or don’t attack. It comes down to a ban on election involvement and a tight restriction on lobbying.

            Conservatives will never be firmly in power for long anyway so I don’t worry. Your side is unable to lead and instead must engage in divisive politics to gather short term power only.