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Atomic Test Highlights Obama Failure

On October 9, 2006 North Korea conducted a nuclear test years after the Clinton administration provided that country with the means and opportunity to build a nuclear weapon. The test was reported as a failure of George Bush and his administration. Liberals claimed that he was so focused on Iraq that he allowed North Korea to develop and test a nuclear weapon. A headline at Truthdig from the time was Atomic Test Highlights Bush Failure and the lead paragraph stated:

North Korea’s evident test of a nuclear device speaks to a failure of diplomacy long in the making, but Democrats have justifiably laid much of the blame on Bush, whose Iraq fixation and disinterest in nonproliferation have proved disastrous.

The Democratic Underground claimed that Democrats were condemning North Korea and citing the failure of Bush diplomacy. Those commenting blamed Bush and the lack of diplomacy for the nuclear test.

Howard Dean of the DNC stated:

“Today’s announcement is further evidence that President Bush has taken his eye off the ball, allowing a member of the so-called ‘axis of evil’ to allegedly test a nuclear weapon,”

Today Newsmax reports that North Korea has conducted another nuclear test more powerful than the first:

North Korea said it staged a “successful” underground nuclear weapons test which was more powerful than its previous test of an atomic bomb almost three years ago.

George Bush is not in office and has not been there since January so there is no way to blame him for taking his eye off the ball. Since he was to blame the last time this happened it would appear that Obama is to blame this time. I have not read where any Democrat has spoken up and declared that this marks a failure of Obama’s policies and that his diplomacy failures allowed North Korea to explode a nuclear device.

The Democratic Underground has its useful idiots already complaining that Republicans will use this to attack Obama as being soft. They are wetting their pink panties over there because they are afraid that Obama will get blamed. These low life twits were the ones blaming Bush but they do not want Obama blamed. This is the double standard.

Some of them are blaming the leader of North Korea for making nukes instead of feeding his people. They are also asking if this was a nuke that was developed while Bush was busy with Iraq.

Isn’t it strange that they never blamed Clinton for giving the NORKS the means and opportunity to make the bombs? They went after Bush immediately and did not attack North Korea’s leaders or the guy who gave them the technology, they blamed Bush. Now the bed wetters are blaming Bush again and worrying about how it will make Obama look.

Let me help them see how Obama looks:

Obama took his eye off the ball. He has been too busy trying to ramrod his socialist agenda down our throats to pay attention. He has resigned himself to the idea of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon and this likely emboldened North Korea. The NORKS saw how weak Obama is and decided to take advantage.

Additionally, Obama has been too busy going around the world blaming America for the ills of the world and then apologizing for all the things that America has done wrong. Obama has been too busy appeasing the world to notice the dangers around us.

Let us make no mistake, this is an Obama failure and it is one of great magnitude. He has failed our country and because he took his eyes off the dangers North Korea is one step closer to a nuclear device. Yes, Obama’s failed diplomacy resulted in this test and because of him the world is just a little bit less safe tonight.

These are undeniable truths based upon the logic of the left when the NORKS tested the first device. If they absolve Obama of any culpability then they will be absolving Bush of any as well. Either they both failed or they both did not. Since the Democratic politicians and their mind numbed, eye glazed followers were eager to blame Bush and that charge stuck, then it is obvious that Obama is just as guilty.

The liberals will not step up and blame Obama. They are already in cover up and spin mode. The folks at the DU are already asking each other for counterpoints to those of us who will blame Obama as a matter of principle and fairness.

There are no counterpoints and there is no way to backtrack. Obama took his eye off the ball and now the world is a little less safe.

The enemies of America smell weakness in the White House and now they will begin to exploit it.

And they will continue to exploit it while Obama continues to apologize for America.

UPDATE: Today North Korea test fired several long range missiles. Looks like Obama took his eye off more than one ball. While he was busy apologizing the NORKS went nuclear.

Big Dog

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