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Atheist Preacher?

Brian Flemming an atheist who claims to have been a Christian in the past is waging a mini, yet peaceful, war on Easter. Flemming is trying to show all of us the error of our ways bu letting us know that there is no God and that Jesus did not rise from the dead. I assume his atheism extends to all religions but right now he is focused on showing Christians the truth:

“People go to churches to hide from the truth,” Flemming said in a statement. “At no time is this more apparent than Easter, when Christians get together to convince each other that a man died, stayed dead three days, rose from the dead and then flew into the air above the clouds.

I find this interesting because Flemming’s desire is to tell us the truth. So the big question I have is, where is his proof. If I am to believe what he says then I think some sort of proof is in order. I would like absolute proof that there is no God and that Jesus did not die and rise from the dead. All he has to do is provide irrefutable proof and I am in. I don’t want any hinky stuff about it can’t happen because dead is dead or that there is no God because no one has seen him.

Of course, I can not provide absolute proof there is a God and that Jesus died and rose from the dead. The reason that religion is a faith is because it requires belief in some things that can not be proven. There are those who will tell us that the Bible and historical accounts are proof but they are not absolute proof and require a degree of faith. Faith is in the definition of religion. I, as a Christian hold these beliefs to be true. If one day I die and nothing happens so be it but if I do not believe and die and end up being judged then I will have lived a bad life. I would also submit that even if everything he says is true, is there anything wrong with living the kind of good and wholesome life that most religions teach?

I believe that each person on this Earth has a right to his own beliefs. I also know that I do not need someone like Brian Flemming telling me what I should and should not believe. I am free to take those decisions on my own and if he wants to think I am a fool for it then so be it. But when I die and get to heaven I will ask God to forgive Brian all the same.

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