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Arlen Specter Finally Admits What We All Knew

And that is that he was a Republican in Name Only (RINO).

Arlen Specter has announced today that he will switch parties and become a Democrat. This is a formality because he was a Democrat for a long time. The name change just makes it official. Specter stated that he did this because he finds his views NOW align more closely with the Democrats than the Republicans but who is he kidding? Specter has been a supporter of abortion and gay marriage and he has voted with the Democrats on a number of issues that are not viewed favorably by Republicans. The real issue is that Specter has ticked off Republicans and he knows he cannot win in 2010 if he remains in the party.

It is obvious that Specter is doing this because he wants to remain in politics regardless of what the people want. On Saint Patrick’s Day he said he was not going to switch parties because he believed that it was important to have checks and balances. I imagine he does not believe in that if it means he will be out of a job.

Specter is running as a Democrat so that he can keep his job in the Senate because it is about power and nothing else. He can’t let a pesky thing like voters get in the way of what he wants. He has basically decided that the voters who have vowed to get rid of him don’t have that right and don’t know what they are doing and that is why he switched. Specter stated:

“I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate,” Breitbart

Isn’t that what primaries (and elections in general) are for? Are not the voters supposed to judge a candidate and decide if he is worthy of being elected or reelected? What Specter is saying is that he is unwilling to have the people who put him in office and whose views he is supposed to reflect decide on his future because he was inadequate and did not do a good job. He knows that he did not hold Republican values or he would not be in this situation. He was more than willing to allow them to judge his record when they supported him.

The defection of Specter and the abandonment of his checks and balances means that the Democrats will likely have the 60 votes they need to prevent a filibuster on most issues. This means that many things will pass unopposed and puts us on an even faster track to hell.

I hope Specter loses the Democratic primary and is soundly defeated. He has given any long time Democrat a lot of ammunition to use because any challenger can attack Specter for all his years as a Republican.

Specter is confusing the adoration Democrats have for him for voting with them, especially on all this recent spending, as a commitment to him. I hope he finds out that he is not loved at all.

He needs to go and it should be obvious to anyone from either party. Specter is putting his political future ahead of his country and Pennsylvania voters and is dismissing Republicans because they are tired of his inability to do a good job.

The big issue right now is the Swine Flu. At least the Republican Party is partially cured of the RINO virus…

Big Dog
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