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Anti War Zealots Refuse to Pay Taxes

The idea that someone should not pay taxes because what those taxes goes toward is ridiculous. First of all, I don’t like to pay any taxes at all. I believe that the federal government wastes our money and then extorts more of it from us. Their henchmen in the IRS make sure we pay or we end up in real big trouble. Add the states that tax the hell out of people and it is no wonder that people who make 50,000 dollars a year have trouble making ends meet.

There is a group of anti war folks who are refusing to pay their taxes because they do not want the money they pay in to go toward funding the war. This is not a new idea and America’s last generation of ungrateful leeches had its share of people who refused to pay taxes so as not to fund the Vietnam War. I am having a little trouble with the logic of these ding bats. They oppose the war so they will not pay taxes that will go to pay for the war. Simple enough, but people do not get to pick and choose where their tax money goes. I could name at least a dozen programs that I do not want my tax money paying for. How would it work out if people decided not to pay taxes because of something they did not like that taxes were paying for?

Now the anti war zealots are trying to get legislation that will exempt their taxes from paying for the war:

War protesters have been pushing for a law called the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund that would allow designated conscientious objectors to have their income, estate, or gift taxes used for nonmilitary purposes. After years of efforts, they hope a Congressional hearing will be held on the proposal next year. My Way News

Anyone who reads this blog knows how I feel about the First Amendment and the Religion aspect of it. I know that there is no such thing as separation of church and state. However, since this is what the ACLU yaps about all the time, let me play devil’s advocate. If the government allows these folks’ taxes not to pay for war based on religion, isn’t that a violation of this separation of church and state thing the ACLU keeps inventing?

Putting that aside, would it be OK for religious people to refuse to have their taxes pay for things to which they oppose on religious grounds, such as abortion? Imagine how that would dry up abortions if people who oppose it could stop their taxes from paying for it. How about those of us who do not have children in school. Are we free to request that we do not pay taxes for schools? The article indicates that many of these people have taken jobs that pay so little money that they do not pay taxes at all. Suppose those of us who do pay taxes do not want our taxes to pay for the street repairs where these folks live. Or perhaps we do not want to pay for police and fire departments in their neighborhoods. If they are not paying taxes then they must not be entitled to the services that taxes pay for.

This whole issue is a slippery slope and once this bell is rung there will be no end to the number of people seeking to keep their taxes from paying for things they just don’t like.

Come to think of it, I am not that fond of the Congress. Is there anyway I can keep my money from going to them? Not unless I want their mob enforcers in the IRS showing up at my door with a horse head.

Big Dog

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