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And so it continues…

Now all-government-is-good, bigger-government-is-better Schumer wants to limit people who ride trains. Yes, that 19-century mode of travel that Obama wants to be his signature moment. Yes, the same modes of transportation for which the government is about to spend in the range of $400 billion to save 30 minutes of travel time. Yes, the same mode of travel that most people simply do not want, cannot access, and will not use, but will all be forced at gunpoint to pay for.

Schumer wants to make his own personal list of who will be allowed to ride the trains and who will not. Oh, don’t worry, Schumer won’t maintain the list — he’ll hire one of his friends to maintain the list with a $250K taxpayer salary, of course. And if you’re a government employee, of course, you will be free to ride all the government trains without hindrance. But hey, if you’re one of those working stiff PAYING for the train? Get ready for the next level of expansion of the TSA. Remember that 30 minutes you’re going to save when the government spends hundreds of billions of dollars to speed up the trains? Yeah, you just lost it due to the upcoming security theater.

I just can’t wait until they start putting TSA goons at every single public bus stop. I’m sure they will just crow about the idea they’re “putting Americans (and illegal aliens) to work.” Of course, by that time, the only people riding the bus will be the other TSA agents and government employees going to their taxpayer-paid jobs.


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