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America Hit With Terror Attack

A Muslim convert who was angry with the US military waged jihad in Little Rock Arkansas. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and killed Pvt. William Long and seriously wounded Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula. This was an act of terror by a Muslim in the US. As a commenter at Flopping Aces wrote:

Mark this down as the FIRST terrorist attack on American soil during the Obama years. Sadly, I doubt it will be the last, nor the one with greatest death toll.

When abortion doctor Tiller was murdered on Sunday Obama spoke out on it and AG Holder alerted US Marshals and told them to offer protection. I don’t recall hearing Obama speak about the murder of this young soldier by a Muslim convert. I don’t recall seeing where Holder has told Marshals to offer protection to recruiting stations. It appears as if Obama only speaks out against murder when it involves an abortionist. Soldiers are killed in an act of terror and he is silent.

Maybe he does not want to upset the Muslims he is visiting. Now that he discovered his Muslim roots he might not want to upset the apple cart.

My prayers are with the surviving soldier and each of their families.

Big Dog

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