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Al Sharpton is a Nappy Head* Idiot

Al Sharpton must be full of himself tonight. You can bet that he, Jackson and the rest of the race baiting poverty pimps are sitting around some back room passing a brown bagged bottle of T-Bird and high-fiving each other over taking down a popular white guy. Today, CBS fired Don Imus over the remarks he made about the Rutgers female basketball team. I have made it clear that I think what Imus said was wrong, not because he does not enjoy free speech or that it was mean spirited but because it was targeted at young ladies who have done nothing wrong. These young ladies made a great showing in the NCAA and they should be proud. To have that overshadowed by Imus’ remarks is unfortunate.

However, I feel that firing Imus for this is an act of cowardice. CBS bowed to the pressure of two of the biggest racists int he country, Jackson and Sharpton. Race relation in this country have been set back years because of these two and the firing of Imus can not make that better. Sharpton and Jackson have made plenty of racist comments over the years and they have allowed other blacks to do the same. While both claim to fight against gangsta rap and its lyrics, neither has called for boycotts against the companies that produce that garbage. Neither has called for a record label to dismiss gangsta rap artists, most of whom have lyrics that make Imus’ statement seem like a nursery rhyme. With these two race baiters it is never about the racism they exhibit, only about the racism they can make money off.

Blacks in this country would be in a lot better shape if they did not listen to Al and Jesse tell them how they are being mistreated. Instead, Jackson, who by the way it was reported used the phrase “nappy headed niggers, goes around extorting money from companies by threatening boycotts. That is what he and fellow extortionist Sharpton did to CBS. This cowardice extended to sponsors who pulled support for the show. I will be writing a check to pay off my American Express and then I will cancel it. When Nextel comes up for renewal they will be replaced. I can boycott as well.

There is never outrage when Sharpton starts riots (he calls them protests) and people get killed. Instead, they are placed on pedestals like they are important. They are not. They use the history of slavery to raise themselves above those they claim to help. Hell, I bet Sharpton would die of a headache before he picked cotton out of a new aspirin bottle, and that might not be a bad thing.

I have no use for either of them. I think they have divided the races even more because of this and that is a shame. We need to be on the look out for a black host who might use racist terms toward whites. Then we can demand that Al and Jesse protest and demand dismissal. If they don’t we might have to consider if they need rope neckties.

I hope one day I am near Al and he uses one of his racist terms to describe whites. I will beat his ass from one end of town to another and then beat it back again just to watch him scram like a nappy headed ho.

For those of you who will surely comment about it being a racist post, save your fingers, I don’t care what you think. Nothing is racist to me until Al and Jesse are taken to task for their racist remarks.

Imus Fired

Big Dog

*I use the term as defined in the Urban Dictionary.