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Al Gore’s Book; Sour Grapes?

Al Gore has a book out that is basically a fairy tale about how wonderful life would be if he had been elected president. We would all live in mansions on the hill with no war and no poverty and the world would love us, blah, blah. One thing I thought was interesting is this passage:

“The Assault On Reason” begins as an academic discourse about the one-sided, corporate-controlled television medium with no interactivity.

Gore argues that television not only creates a dynamic that runs contrary to Thomas Jefferson’s desire for a “well-informed citizenry” but lulls viewers in a partially immobilized state and allows unreasoned communicators to sell false bills of goods, such as, say, that there was a connection between the Sept. 11 hijackers and Saddam Hussein. ABC News

One sided discussion such as a documentary on global warming that gives one skewed point of view? A documentary that takes as gospel the idea of global warming and proceeds from there? A documentary that does not allow disagreement on the exaggerated claims?

Yep, I can see how Gore would hate such a thing…

Big Dog