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Adopt A Marine, or Two or Three…

Folks, I have a friend in the blogosphere (yes I really have a friend) and she has a special place in her heart for US Marines, those tough war fighters who help ensure our freedom. Over at the Coalition of the Swilling there is a little post explaining something they like to do around Christmas time.

The idea is to send an email to them (thsister-at-gmail.com ~ subj. “13 Marines of Xmas”) and get the name of a Marine (or two or three) and then to send them letters and, if you can, packages for Christmas. Our troops work long hard days not knowing if they are living their last day on this planet and they do it selflessly and in order to keep us safe and free. They ask for little in return, like respect from the very people who put them in harm’s way, but we can discuss Murtha and Kerry later.

Please consider going to the Coalition of the Willing and adopting a few Marines. I know that I am going to be sending them a few things this year and I have asked my Wide Awakes Radio gang to do this as well.

If you have a blog and would like to pass this story on I am sure they would have no objections.