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Add Blago To The Unemployment Numers

The Illinois Senate booted Rod Blagojevich from office today after his impeachment hearing ended with the now former governor giving an impassioned speech about being innocent. The legislature had to boot him. He gave the appearance of impropriety and, more importantly, he focused a spotlight on the corrupt political machine there.

The Senate was well within its right to boot him. His claim of a presumption of innocence is only applicable in court. The public can call him guilty all it wants and the Senate does not have to assume he is innocent. They only have to decide if he did things that warrant removal from office.

Interestingly, this moronic statement was made by impeachment prosecutor David Ellis:

“”He doesn’t think one minute about the people, just himself,” he said, asserting that the impeachment was for the people, not to punish Blagojevich as he had suggested.

“He has a Constitutional right not to thrown in jail without a fair trial,” he said. “But he does not have a Constitutional right to be governor. That is not a right; it’s a privilege and he forfeited that right. He has abused the power of his office.” Fox News [emphasis mine]

I agree that being governor is a privilege and not a right. But this guy makes that claim and then says Blago lost that right.

How did he lose a right he did not have?

This was a foregone conclusion and Blago’s things were already packed up and ready to be shipped out.

Is this a new precedent? If Illinois boots all politicians who give the appearance of impropriety they will have no one left in office.

Big Dog

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