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ACORN Can Still Be Paid

Congress voted to stop paying taxpayer money to the liberal support group ACORN. This took place after damning videos were released which showed members of that corrupt organization showing a pimp and prostitute how to avoid the law, how to avoid taxes, and how to bring underage girls into the country to use for prostitution.

Attorney General Eric Holder has weighed in on the matter and has ruled that ACORN may still be paid under terms of contracts that existed prior to the Congressional ban.

If Congress voted to cut funding why is it OK to continue to pay them? Are we to believe that the contracts were made with the non-corrupt branch of this organization?

Seems to me that if a defense contractor was found to be breaking the law and Congress voted to cut funding then contracts would not be paid.

It looks like Obama’s AG figured a way to continue paying the corrupt organization our hard earned money. ACORN is a partisan group that supports Democrats and only Democrats. The government gives them our money to do just that.

Big Government has been on this story and has clearly demonstrated that ACORN is a wing of the Democrat party. Documents that ACORN threw away in order to destroy evidence shows that they work to get Democrats elected. It is time to stop giving them any taxpayer money.

And it is time for the Executive Branch to stop usurping the authority of Congress.

Big Government
Big Government

Big Dog

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