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ACLU Crushes Boy Scouts. . . Again

When it came to putting more money and attention towards helping youth in its programs or funding a war against the ACLU jihad, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) decided to forgo the battle and concentrate on the kids. The organization will begin transitioning from public school and governmental sponsorship to private sponsorship. While I am angered that the BSA gave the ACLU an off-handed victory, I understand their motivation. The BSA always puts their troops first. Unfortunately, that leaves us with a ACLU empowered by this victory.

The flap centers on the Scout Code, and its mention of God. I’ve been on both sides of the BSA organization. As a youth, I joined two Explorer Posts and can honestly say those experiences were the highlights of my teenage life. (The Explorers are co-ed groups for kid from 14-21.) After college, my first job was with the BSA as an Exploring Executive. Now, I can tell you that no one ever walked around with a Bible, spouted scripture or questioned anyone’s religious affiliations. Scouting welcomed all religions — and what you believed was between you and the god in which you believed. Their employee screening process is stringent and their training is extensive. Ultimately, it all centered around two issues: the children and the fund raising. Of the two, the children always came first.

Scout Code
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

In this new world where children kill children and parents must drug their offspring out of depression, you would think we would welcome an organization willing to take on the task to improve our youth. But, no! The ACLU will fight the BSA anytime, anywhere. It single-mindedly seeks to destroy one of the few youth organizations in the US which promotes a positive value system.

Scout Law
A Scout is:

Yes, I can see how these values could be so dangerous to our country that they warrant a jihad-like attack by the ACLU. God forbid that our youth actually emulate these values! (Oops, used the word the ACLU hates.) If I had my way, scouting would be required for all those entering public service. It builds character, leadership, maturity and underscores the value of cooperation and teamwork. How can this possibly brand the BSA as a subversive organization?

Previously, the ACLU also managed to remove scout troops from military bases. Instead of supporting our youth whose parents serve our country abroad, we are leaving them without an organization to foster their development and provide a link to their country. We are leaving their parents without a means to normalize their children’s lives.

Vision Statement
The Boy Scouts of America is the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.

In the future Scouting will continue to:

Offer young people responsible fun and adventure;
Instill in young people lifetime values and develop in them ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law;
Train young people in citizenship, service, and leadership;
Serve America’s communities and families with its quality, values-based program.

Litigating against the ACLU has become a daunting task for any school, organization or local government. They simply do not have the funds to buck this formidable adversary. We, the taxpayers, are the biggest funders of the ACLU. Yet, the organization is oblivious to our opinions. Instead, they cater to the far-left liberals who funnel money into the organization to promote their secular agenda. Their “generosity” knows no bounds. If they can’t advance their agenda through front-door politics, they will change the country through back-door litigation. They must be stopped.

The American Legion agrees. They have begun efforts to curtail the ACLU’s attack upon the BSA. According to NewsMax, the veterans “will go all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary, to stop the American Civil Liberties Union from using the courts to ‘destroy American values at taxpayer expense.’ ” Republicans in both the House and the Senate are working on the “Support Our Scouts Act of 2005.” NewsMax reports the bill would restore government support for scouting activities at military facilities.

Help amend Title 42 of the Civil Rights Act, which enables the ACLU to collect millions of dollars in attorneys’ fees at taxpayer expense — and back the “Support Our Scouts Act of 2005.” Contact your congressional representatives online. You can also sign a petition against taxpayers’ continued support of the ACLU here.