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A Truly Moronic Liberal

El Capitan over at the Baboon Pirates blog has an article about a recent school shooting incident. The following is from a math teacher at Brockton High School. It was published at Boston.com:

I am a math teacher at Brockton High School, the site of a school shooting earlier this month.

Current school security procedures lock down school populations in the event of armed assault. Some advocate abandoning this practice as it holds everyone in place, allowing a shooter easily to find victims.

An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

Some propose overturning laws that made schools gun-free zones even for teachers who may be licensed to securely carry concealed firearms elsewhere. They argue that barring licensed-carry only ensures a defenseless, target-rich environment.

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.

[emphasis mine]

Two things here. The first is that only a true moron would rather bury his children (or any loved one) rather than defend them. This kind of person, one who will not defend himself of his family, by any means necessary, is the lowest form of life. It is the kind of person who stands around in times of trouble waiting for someone else to fix the problem. This is the kind of person who is devastated by a Hurricane Katrina and stands knee deep in water, yards from dry land, looking for someone to help.

There is no lower form of man than one who will not defend his children. You can extrapolate a lot from what he said. He could just have easily stated, I would rather watch my wife or daughter get raped rather than shoot the attacker. I would rather see my son get sodomized rather than shoot his attacker.

The term self-defense in and of itself means that it is not a crime regardless of what one uses for defense. All people are entitled to the right of self-defense.

All people except those whose only claim to being a man is the Y chromosome.

The second problem is that this twit is teaching children. Who wants their children taught by such a weak and unmanly person? This is the kind of person who has a lot to do with forming the minds and thoughts of the youth in this country. His article will be seen by many children and he will be asked about it. How will he justify to them the cowardice he demonstrates in the piece?

Will his position encourage impressionable children into believing that even the lives of their loved ones are not worth protecting if one has to use a firearm to do it?

If you are a criminal up in this area you might want to visit this guy’s house. You already know he will not offer resistance no matter what you do.

He would rather bury his children than protect them.

What kind of cowards are we producing these days?

Big Dog


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