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A Tale Of Two Effigies


Someone hanged Barack Obama in effigy in Plains Georgia, the town from which another clueless failed Democrat hailed. Jimmah Carter is pretty popular in Plains (as I imagine is Obama) and some miscreant hanged Obama in effigy. Some photos were snapped and then the little black doll with his name was removed. Most folks never knew it happened but the Secret Service is investigating the issue.

Someone hangs Obama in effigy and the Secret Service (SS) is investigating? This is not the first time and leader was hanged in effigy and I think the place where it was hung shows that it is symbolic of a failed president rather than a threat.

I saw these things all the time when I was in DC with the Gathering of Eagles. Leftists walked down the street with little George Bush dolls hanging in effigy. It is all part of the process and I sure don’t recall the Secret Service investigating.

I also recall that when Sarah Palin was hanged in effigy it was deemed not to be a hate crime. The police said that it was near Halloween and that people had a right to do it and all so it was no big deal. It really wasn’t a big deal except if it had been a Democrat (the referenced article even mentions that an Obama effigy would have to be investigated separately based on historical references). And now we see this is the case.

How long will it take the race baiters to claim it is racist because it involves the image of a black man and a noose?

No, someone hanged Obama in effigy to express dissatisfaction with him or his policies or both. Given that he has ticked off his base it could just as well be one of them.

No matter who it is the person or persons have rights to free expression and the Secret Service should spend its time on more constructive things like figuring out how to keep uninvited guests from entering the White House.

Some leaders don’t hang in effigy. Just ask Saddam Hussein. Oops, too late…

LA Times

Big Dog


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