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A Nation of Wimps

To follow-on to the previous post, we are a nation of wimps. Oh sure, there are people who say, “Oh, I’M a man. *I* won’t stand for this or that.” But the man who will actually follow through with those actions is rare and in today’s country will often find himself in jail. How about these two recent incidents from the world of professional sports:

Atlanta pitching coach Roger McDowell is alleged to have threatened to knock out some teeth and “made a slur” against a fan (He asked 3 hecklers if they were a homo couple). And you can bet the bum making the various complaints wants cash with his apology — sadly, he’ll likely get tons from the Braves, too. And the queer alliances are all up in arms and want McDowell fired. GROW A PAIR, you wimp! Oh, you were scared the guy was going to knock your teeth out — hey, walk away if you’re that damn scared! Oh, your children were scared — maybe because they were afraid you weren’t going to protect them, you damn wimp.

In another story a player was suspended for throwing a PLASTIC trash can at people who were throwing water bottles at him — at a double-A game. Was anyone hurt? Nope. Was anyone ever in danger? Well, other than the player who threw the trash can, nope! This is another load of crap, showing how this country has become an oversensitive group of weenies. I’m not sure there’s any way to actually injure anyone with a damn plastic trash can! Maybe if you sit in the can while being shoved off a 10-story building would work.

Grow up and grow a pair, you wimps!