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A Democrat We Can Live With?

David Paterson of New York has selected Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand of New York’s 20th Congressional District to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate. Clinton resigned her seat on 21 January to assume duties as Secretary of State.

Gillibrand is a Blue Dog Democrat and her positions are generally conservative. Her Wikipedia (FWIW) entry states:

Gillibrand is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition. She opposes gun control. She supports extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for middle class families; stem cell research; and the Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act. Gillibrand opposes attempts to partially privatize Social Security. She strongly supported passage of the 2008 Farm Bill. Gillibrand broke with former Governor Eliot Spitzer on the issue of illegal immigration, opposing his plan to issue New York State drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. She supports same-sex marriage.

Not all of these are ideal positions but she is a Democrat. Considering the people who Paterson could have appointed, this is not a bad choice. Some of her negatives include opposition to Social Security privatization and support for gay marriage but she is against gun control (and endorsed by the NRA), in favor of tax cuts, and opposes issuing licenses to illegals.

She also opposed the financial bailout.

Paterson selected her in order to attempt to garner votes from upstate New York in his 2010 election bid (he was appointed so it is not a reelection). Regardless, he has done us a favor. Gillibrand might be the antidote for McCain as she might oppose the things he would favor.

Additionally, the seat she holds in the House is in a heavily Republican area of New York. This provides Republicans the chance to pick up a seat in the House.

Liberals are howling mad about her selection so it must be, at least partly, good for Republicans. Interestingly, the liberals claim she is not qualified because she has only been in the House for a short time. These would be the same people who want Caroline Kennedy who has no political experience and who supported Barack Obama who has very little experience.

We will have to wait and see how she works out but something tells me she will not be pushed around by the likes of Harry Reid.

I hope she provides some sense of balance to the Senate. Conservatives can use another voice.

New York Post

Big Dog

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