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9/11 Truthers Are Mentally Ill and Should Be Sedated

I have been relatively silent on the phenomenon of the 9/11 truth movement. I did take some shots at Rosie O’Donnell for her comments on the subject (and the fact that she changed part of her story on it) and I have commented about some of the things that have been said but I have not said much about the specific people who actually believe that the US government (read Bush and his evil Republicans) was responsible for the events on 9/11 and the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. My opinion was that these folks are entitled to believe what they want and sound as moronic as they want but now I think they are taking the part about being morons to a new level. They are ALL mentally ill.

I am not going to go over the details of their claims. These have been made enough by them in blog entries about everything and in fact, their responses to a news article inspired me to write this post. There is a post at the Blotter about a new terror video that promises a big surprise. From what I gather, the terrorists are going to try and attack out President. The comment section has item after item from Truthers who dispute the issue and claim that this is another inside job. Their posts implore us to believe them and to wise up and see the truth. They claim that if there is such an attack it is because our government set it up. They seem to ignore common sense (which is not that common) by asking how so many people could keep such a secret. If our government actually did this the New York Times would have found out and reported it along with all the other secrets they have reported. The Democrats hate George W Bush so much that, if proof existed that he did this, they would be bringing him up on charges and impeaching him. If this were true and could be proved it would guarantee a Democratic majority and a Democratic President for decades. But this message seems to be bouncing off their tin foil hats.

People are entitled to their conspiracy theories. There are people who believe Elvis is alive (he just went home son), that we never landed on the moon, we have aliens at Area 51, the CIA distributed drugs to blacks, and that AIDS was developed by white people to get rid of blacks by infecting a bunch of them in Africa. While these are all out in left field, there is not such a huge following that they inject this stuff into everyday conversation (and time has passed since these conspiracies were born). Conversely, the Truthers look for every opportunity to scream about the “9/11 inside job.” Rosie is not the only celebrity to spout this crap and there are others who follow candidates around asking them about this. I can only conclude that these people are seriously mentally ill.

The Truthers are absolutely, without a doubt, not in their right minds. These people stopped drinking the kool aid and now have an IV of the stuff going around the clock. Their tin foil hats are definitely wound way too tightly around their pin heads and the blood flow to their small brains has been cut off. These people should not be allowed out in public and they should have to be heavily sedated at all times. There should be a national round up to get these people off the streets and into institutions where they belong. They are a danger to themselves as they have lost all touch with reality. In essence, they are severely mentally ill. I do not know how to put it any other way because they obviously suffer from some mental disorder. It is the only way to explain the madness.

I am going to try some therapy by putting my conspiracy theory out there. A bunch of Muslims, who use terror to promote their religion, following orders from other Muslims who do the same thing, hijacked four airplanes and killed the crews with box cutters they smuggled aboard. Then, two of the planes, piloted by these peaceful men, flew into each of the towers. A third plane was piloted into the Pentagon and the last one was forced into the ground before it could hit its intended target. This is what happened, this is what the world saw on TV, and this is how things went down that terrible day. Any moron who can not see this should not be allowed to reproduce.

Truthers, start taking your medications, rip that kool aid IV out and remove those tin foil hats.

For God’s sake, get a grip on reality.

Big Dog