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600 Thousand New Government Jobs Under Obama

Barack “there is only one president at a time” Obama held his weekly radio address (something the only one president does) and was pitching his Reinvestment and Recovery plan. In his address Obama (PBUH) stated that he wanted to create 3 million jobs, 80% of which would be in the private sector. This means that 20%, or 600,000, would be in government.

Bloating the government more than it already is will not help the economy. It might give Democrats some feel good moments where they can say they created that many jobs but in order to pay the people who perform the jobs the government will have to use more money, money that it does not have.

[warning]Government employees are paid with tax dollars. Our government already takes and spends too much of our money[/warning]

Government should not be in the business of “creating” jobs. That is what the private sector does. It always amazes me when government takes credit for job creation when the private sector creates them. Of course, if Obama creates 600k new government jobs then government will really be creating them, but at what expense?

The way to have prosperity is to have low taxes thus allowing people to keep (and spend or better yet, save) more of what they make. It is also important not to have so many rules and regulations that do nothing more than stifle job growth by impeding business.

Government is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem (Ronald Reagan).

If the government wants roads fixed then it should contract that work out to companies that fix roads. The last thing taxpayers need are more government employees that will require us to pay their salaries along with their health benefits and pensions.

The Republicans grew government during the Bush administration and it looks like Obama will continue that effort. The Democrats are determined to turn a 1 or 2 year recession into a 10 or 12 year depression.


Big Dog

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