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Howard Dean, The Terrorist’s Friend

I have put off writing about Howard Dean mostly because he is a loud mouthed idiot that should have stayed in medicine and left politics to the people who are at least partly sane. I decided to post about old Howie because he has divulged a secret. He believes that terrorists deserve equality and fairness under the law but that republicans do not. It is tough to imagine but the head of the DNC is a terrorist sympathizer who believes that we should give those who would kill us the benefit of the doubt but should never believe a word that a republican says.

The Arizona Republic is reporting that Dean said that Tom DeLay is guilty and should be put in jail. Now this means that Dean has determined that DeLay has committed a crime, that he is guilty of the crime, and that he should be in jail all without the benefit of due process. This is based on allegations of wrong doing which in politics means the same thing everyone else did but we pointed our fingers at you first. This however is from Dean in 2004 when he wanted you to believe he should be president:

“I’ve resisted pronouncing a sentence before guilt is found,” Dean said during the 2004 Democratic primary campaign. “I still have this old-fashioned notion that even with people like Osama, who is very likely to be found guilty, we should do our best not to, in positions of executive power, not to prejudge jury trials.”

Dean wants Osama bin Laden to get the benefit of the doubt but will not extend that same courtesy to an American Citizen and a US Congressman at that! Dean also had this to say, “There’s corruption at the highest level of the Republican Party, and they’re going to have to face up to that one of these days, because the law is closing in on Tom DeLay.” Howard, there is a nut job at the highest level of the democratic party and it is you.

I knew that war cry of his was more than a nut coming unraveled. It was a call for jihad against Americans and a signal to Osama that Dean was now in the house. The democrats have done us all a favor by selecting this nitwit to be head of the DNC. First it takes him out of the running for president and secondly it helps the American people see exactly what the democratic party is made of. And to think the donks said Bush was a divider…

Rumors that Dean’s grandfather told America that Hitler deserved a fair trial but that GEN Patton should be hanged for slapping a soldier have not been substantiated.

Read the story here.