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11 Months In And Obama Is Tired

Aww, poor little fella, Barack Obama is tired. He has been at his job for 11 months and he is tired. My Way News reports:

After a sleepless, overnight flight to Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize earlier this month, President Barack Obama made a not altogether surprising admission. He was tired.

I am having a tough time figuring out how this guy is tired. He has time to play golf just about every weekend and he has pick-up basketball games at the White House. On a whim he hops in the motorcade and takes his daughters out for ice cream. It would seem to me that if the guy has all the energy for these activities then he can’t be all that tired no matter how many trips he has taken (some of them quite unnecessary).

But if he is tired then perhaps some extra sleep on the weekend instead of the golf games or a nap instead of basketball would take care of the fatigue.

Our troops are in combat working much longer hours than Obama and in a more hostile environment than this pampered limo liberal has ever seen and they carry over a hundred pounds of gear with them. Obama has people who carry his things.

Now I don’t begrudge the guy his vacation time and I am just delighted that it is interrupted by the ineptitude of those he left watching the nation but why is he fatigued? He has it easy compared to the troops. Hell, this is his second vacation in a home costing millions of dollars at a luxury spot and he has had date night with his wife and whisked her off to Chicago for Valentine’s Day. All this, plus the golf and basketball and he has only been in office for 11 months. When did he find any time to actually work?

He should try crawling around in the sand toting a weapon and humping his gear while getting shot at. He should try doing this while enjoying the international cuisine known as the Meal, Ready to Eat (MRE). You won’t find any of that $100 a pound steak Obama likes in those packages.

And Obama works in his home. He has breakfast with his girls each morning and walks from the office to his living quarters in the evening to spend time with his family. This is something our troops cannot do.

So quite frankly, I do not want to hear all this mess about Obama being tired. He is not half the person of those fighting for this country and they are working harder than he ever has or ever will.

Eleven months and he is tired.

What a load of crap.

I guess this too is Bush’s fault.

Big Dog


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